Tuesday, May 17, 2011

After nearly 60 years, what I thought was impossible has become my daily reality.  I am free from a lifetime of hiding, lost time and FEAR.    I have started this blog because I know there are many out there who struggled like me and continue to live this way believing there is no way out.  I will share my story and I hope you will share yours.  It is my hope and prayer that you, too, will embrace the path that is available to you.  If I can do it, you can as well.


  1. i am so happy for you. I am 57 and FREE too.

  2. I was diagnosed at 43 after a nervous breakdown and the crumbling of a 15-year marriage and the loss of custody my 3 little girls. Deep, dark depression was mine for my entire life. Memories were few, panic ruled my days, isolation and fear were my daily companions.

    I was diagnosed in the hospital where I spent 6 weeks on suicide watch. While there I was taught that I could "integrate" and that some of the alters would die and others would survive. Can you imagine??? I wanted no part of it. Upon my release, thanks to insurance limitations, I promptly went about my life as before...ignoring my diagnosis.

    Living apart from my children was too great to bear. I turned to alcohol until I landed in another hospital. I went from job to job, spent my nights alone hiding and full of fear and "inside noise". This went on for years. I went from therapist to therapist and always ended up in the same dead end.

    Little did I know what the future held for me...
